princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

31 August 2006


Its better than TAKE THE LEAD...its better than DIRTY DANCING....its better than BRING IT might be better than HONEY or CENTRE STAGE...

Its STEP UP!! The next big movie hit combining classical ballet and hip hop.

And no that isn't Jessica Alba...but who cares. There is the new kid on the block....Channing Tatum. The music is infectious and the leads are both good looking, likable and relate able. A movie that i am so gonna's about Hollywood should combine hip hop n ballet.

29 August 2006


It has been 4years since i play sport competitively. Those years back in primary and high school, when my life was all about training, training and tournaments. Man i miss those days so veri much. Seriously, i miss the 4 days/week, 6hrs/day intense training sessions with Mr. Kim and my fellow PL lites...haahaa (above: ruth, jeanette, amy and me) And it has taken me that long before i'm back into the sporting scene. Man...too long!

Two weeks ago i received a call from my long lost training buddy and friend Charmaine, asking me if i was interested in playing for Monash at the Australian Uni Games in Adelaide this september. We haven't seen each other for like ages. After primary school, we went to different schools and only saw each other during tournaments as opponents. And after 8years, we are finally back to being training buddies...playing for the same team. I miss those good old days Charm. They are back.

*remember how the three of us, melissa, u n me train with each other..playing 3/5pt matches. And to hear from u n playing wif seriously bring back old memories man!!**


27 August 2006


After dominating the match, Justine beat Davenport to win her first New Haven tournament, her 5th tour title of the year. Having won the tournament, Justine is up to #2 on the WTA full tour rankings on Monday. Now she head to the Big Apple and play her first US Open match tomorrow. Wish you all the best JuJu.


25 August 2006


Despite the terrible flu.......i had to go for THE VERONICAS. Awesome as man.

SICK NUTS!! photos to show..coz i was having too much fun. Man...its been ages since i felt that young. Just being ard all these 12, 13yr old girls..screaming n jumping ard. Man did i miss heaps of my childhood. was a great nite.

Happy early birthday to me. I dunno wats wrong wif me n early birthday presents for myself thses days. Haahaa...

Peace man.

22 August 2006


YES!!.......its been too long...too too long, since i went back to doing what i love. Writing Songs of Heaven...

I guess when u get too caught up with life, you forget the reason why you existed in the first place. Something that all of us know too well, but always take it for granted:


Such a simple lesson, but yet we cna never learn how to master it. I wonder why? Is life that complicated or do we make it complicated for ourselves? I guess that is something i will ask God when i get up to heaven. Hopefully by then it will not be too late.


standing here, not knowing what to do when life’s been broken in two
afraid to face, reality
when all things come against me, life’s too hard and i’m too small
i come to you in honesty

i get down on me knees and pray
lord let me love you once again
for all the things i’ve done and said
can i please take them back today

its funny how sometimes i cannot help but not be satisfied
when all i really need is you
i guess today i’ve come to realise that you’re the one i love
so lord please take me back to you

so many hurt i caused you pain
and broken promises i've made
oh god i’m coming back again
into your arms i want to feel safe

i sing a love song,
i sing a love song.

19 August 2006


My week started out really really bad. Like unimaginably bad as. But with God's grace and has gotten soo soo much better. Like what my frend had on his msn tag -


i know it. i believe it. i don't know how, but it's there.

I was talking to dad on the phone the other day. Thankz for talking to me dad, really needed to hear the things we talked about. One important lesson i've learnt from him, the ever-so-wise one: There is no such thing as a wrong decision. It is how you make that decision the right one which is important.


17 August 2006


I was shown this verses two years ago while fasting for a week. Ever since then, this was the prayer for my life. Unfortunately time passed by so quickly and i kinda forgotten all about it. Looking back and meditating it again really encouraged me to live life to the fullest. Hope you will be encouraged by it.

Tried finding the aussie bible version but couldn't. I tried Nigel. ANyway, i think the next few verses are so apt for anyone going through adversity or even just learning to live life by loosing it for a greater cause other than himself.

For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ...that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.
...because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus frmo the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence....Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and moemntary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far ourweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporaru, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:5-11; 14; 16-18
I know it was kinda long...but hope you have been blessed and are ready to live another day with purpose and passion. BAXIA!! (u'll know wat it means if u watch korean series..heehe)
God bless.

16 August 2006


Man...i reckon people (mature people) should learn to do this more often.

Remember the time where you and your best mate had an arguement over coffee or dinner and that kinda spoiled your entire day? And you go home thinking "what the heck just happened?", how did a day of catching up turn out to be a total disaster? Well....

Just a small piece of really effective advice: give them a few moments to cool down and give them a call. Whether you may have been the cause of the problem or not, just give'em a call, chat and eventually kiss and make up. Okay, maybe not quite the kissing and making up bit. But you get the picture.

It's shocking to realize that not everyone is capable of doing just that, make a call and sort things out verbally, in a non-abusive manner, like mature adults. I mean how wrong can one be that is so unforgivable? Okay maybe in certain circumstances its not that simple. But for the rest of us, normal beings, who once in a while get caught in a few misunderstanding here and there, suck your pride and give the other person a call and clear the air.

*CAUTION: you have to be willing to listen first before defending*

Anyway, that's from me right now.

14 August 2006


For 5 full hours I was lying on my bed - thinking, semi-napping (cx sleep), wishing, hoping, praying, crying, desperately clinging onto what was left in my faith-filled tank, which is pretty much running dry at the moment.

Yup, another brutually honest moment for me. Scary huh.

I actually prayed a prayer that went like this, "Oh God, if it means being in a comma for one week, just to experience you for real, like seriously, to have a tangible encounter with you, I would do it. Just one week though, or maybe two." How desperate would you be so that you can experience the God, the Creator of your existence?

Funny how during those 5hrs of honest conversation with God, along the way I made this comment. Full of anger (close to hate but not quite there yet, and pure desperationg, and yet there still was a hint of hope, knowing that it will all be alright, i said to Him, "Oh God, if you seriously want me to continue to hang on to what I know is true, you better do something with my situation. This isn't funny. I'm at the end of the tight rope and am almost ready to let go. Please do something man, do something soon too. I can't hold much longer." Fortunately, i was pretty exhausted from all that crying, i kinda slept when Joy left for work.

This morning i had two calls regarding a few job applications i handed in on saturday. Both were good news...well one wasn't exactly good news coz i had to reject the great offer due to circumstances. But still they were good news. On the trip back from uni i realise how it is really something that i had those two phone calls and thought could this be a sign from God?

Hmmm..maybe there is still hope. Confusing huh!! I really don't know what to make out of it now.


13 August 2006


Someone said this to me:

" As you live in your 20s..its not what you can achieve for God, but what you learn through the experiences God puts you through - the test of integrity, the test of obedience and the test of truth."
Hmmmm...i was pondering abt that last night. It seems kinda true. What do u guys reckon?
I remembered at the start of the year i had all these goals i wanted to achieve in uni, in the various ministries i was or wanted to be involved. And i thought that, because they seem really good, like God-pleasing goals, that God would bless them and it would come to pass. But until now, not even one of them have been accomplished. And i guess it does bothers me becoz i start asking myself, "what's wrong with you, cheryl?"
But after hearing that kind of statement, i begin to realise that maybe it is really not what you can achieve for God but what you get out of all the experiences/tests you go through. Man has it been a long and tiring journey. And i'm sure there is more to come my way..becoz i'm not yet 20. But i'm also kinda looking forward to my 20s. So we'll see what happens....heehee *smilez*

09 August 2006


Except our own thoughs, there is nothing absolutely in our power.
~ Rene Descartes~
Someone said to me, "You have not been yourself lately. Is everything all right?" Honestly, how does one define 'all right'?
For someone living in Sao Tome and Principe, Africa, waking up the next day feeling cold and hungry could be their definition of all right. While for someone living in the US, life may be all right if they are able to wake up to a job the next day. I guess my point is....
Life is all right in terms of, yes i'm still living a life that is purposed-driven. I am still happily involved in my sister's love life, my friends' business and all that jazz. As i'm writing this entry, i've been trying to sum up life for me in the last 8mths. And I think this would be this...
I am living a purposfully-confusing life.
So i do apologise for not being the cheery, bubbly person that i usually am. I really want to...i honestly do. But yeah, i'm sure you guys will understand. And sorry for being the party-popper that i may be in the next 4mths. *smilez* Like what a friend of mine said, "i may not talk to you, but I am still your friend." Haahaaa..jusz joking, i'm not that anti-social. Not yet at least.

08 August 2006


Love me if you dare..........haahaa....this is to anyone it may be of concerned...hahaa.
Nah seriously, this is not about me. "Love Me If You Dare", a sexy black-comic romance film created by french filmaker Yann Samuell. The first time i watched it was in the plane. It is the best foreign film eva. Dazzling, seductive, romantic...a grown-up fairy tale. A muz watch. Indeed, so unpredictable, so uncomprehendable and un-other-adjectives. Okay..what am i going on about...Hmmm...Anyway,

Are you game enough to watch it?

03 August 2006


Where do i begin to try and put what i'm feeling right now into words? Ever had a moment where you have so much to write or say to someone, to anyone, but don't know where to begin because thoughts are just racing through your brain and you have no way of organizing them because they are all of equal randomness or importance? That's what i'm feeling right now. I feel

Okay, let me try this again.

In less than a month, my life will change forever. No joke. Less than one month. On the other hand it is too fast to tell if my life would change. You may not understand what i'm saying, but its true. One moment, you plan for things to happen this way, but in a blink of an eye, you may decide to go in the opposite direction and do what you promised yourself not to do.

People ask, "So have you decided? Are you going to stay in Australia or go back to Singapore?" My answer, "Oh depends. I would prefer staying in Australia though," i say confidently, "Seems like there are more opportunities." Really? Being brutally honest with myself, it doesn't seem to be so. I do see the potential opportunities that would probably come my way. But currently, they remain as potential opportunities. I honestly feel like giving up.

Looking at life in Melbourne, there is just so much i can look forward to. Too much to look forward to; too much to loose. That scares me.

01 August 2006


The next few pictures are dedicated to my sister. Hmmmmmmmm.........feeling a bit homesick after having a 2hr conversation with my sister back home in sunny Singapore. Can't wait for her to come at the end of the year. So here is to you mei mei. Oooohh....btw, some pictures may be offend some viewers so you've been warned. And Mei, sorry to post those pictures...but they are pictures that never cease to stop making me laugh till i cry. Haahaaa...........*sob sob*

Okay...can't get the pictures onto this site. *sigh* Oh well...i'll try next time.

Love ya mei mei...wish u were here! Can't wait to see u in November. If only time could go any faster. *muaks*
