princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

17 December 2004

Mission Trip Experience (Part 5: A Smile, A Blessing)

On the forth day of the trip, we decided to drive up to Mount Phur Shee Phar and camp over night. The trip was long and boring until we came across a group of women and children who were just sitting around along the road next to their empty house made of wood. The pastor who led the team decided to stop for a while and maybe do some ministry work.

Living conditions in the slums were not very good. People living in the slums were doing everythinf from bathing to sleeping along the road under their very empty houses. Anyway, when we were their, the children were full of excitent and anticipation as to what we may give them. When we were there, we distributed a few sweets and jelly to each child whose faces were either covered with blood or some had dried blood under their nose. As usually, these thai children were so polite. With hands clasped together, they would do a little curtsey before accepting the simple gifts we gave. With these simple little things we gave brought a smile unto their faces. With this simple smile seen on the children faces brought a smile unto ours.

When we were there, we sang songs and prayed a prayer of blessing for them. Although this event took less than half-an-hour, the feeling was so overwhelming which led me into tears. I vividly remember what Uncle Eugene (aka Achan Eugene) said to the few women and children in the slum. He said someting like: It brings a smile to our faces to see you smile. And i totally agreeded with him. Then wen it was time to leave, one of the women of the group spoke to us and said this: That the fact that we are here is not a coincidence but that is all God's plan. And i too totally agree with her.

Because I've actually seen these people living in the slums and understand the type of conditions they are living heart goes to them. When we were together praying, I just sensed the presence of God...the power of His love so strong in that place. It was as if God was just standing a metre away from that even, looking at our direction with a smile on his face saying: "What you did was simple (singing songs and praying for them) and it has brough a smile on my face. I love you all!" That moment was so special to me.

Acts 20:35
"...It is more blessed to give than to recieve."

Remember Jesus loves you and i love you. Be blessed.

16 December 2004

Mission Trip Expereince (Part 4: Small Things, Big Things)

Throughtout each day of your life...if you seek hard will learn something new. This was no exception during the trip. On the second day at Chiang Rai we all woke up @ 7:30am ready for moring devoution. James (cool dude who is one of the leaders) led morning devoution. His topic was - Small Things - which i thought was really good and would like to share it with you guys and gals...for those of you who have heard it, i think its a good reminder for all of us.

In short: Success in life is made up of the little things we do. Remember David, a small sheperd boy. Everything about him was small. He was small in stature, recieve small tasks because he was seen as small and probably incapable in the eyes of the people. However, if you remember the story, David defeated Goliath with just a sling and a few rocks. Through this illustration, God used a small boy like David and gave him and his people a great victory.

Never think that what you do is insignificant (even if it means just coming to church). Every little thing counts. Remember a holy life is made up of multitudes of little things. I just want to encourage and remind you all to never think that what you are doing is less important than others because we are all one in the body of Christ. Always remember that the eye cannot do the job of the leg, vice versa. To end, I'll like to encourage you with this verse:

Matthew 25:21
"...Well ddone, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things..."

God bless...Remember Jesus loves you and I love you.

15 December 2004

Mission Trip Experience (Part 3: Children of God)

For most of the mission trip, we stayed at an orphange home (House of Grace - H.O.G). Just to give you a general picture of what is like living in Chiang Rai. We all slept on the walkway of the dorms (sepereated girls and boys). We bathe in really cold water with weather going down to as low as 10 degrees at nite (and most of the time we have to bathe after 10pm, its really cold!). Generally, the facilities were better than most of the facilities we had in other mission trip.

Anyway, after a tiring two hour drive from Chiang Rai airport to the home, with bums all flat and acheing, the first form of energy we saw were the children living in the house whose faces were litted up wif joy as they gathered around us. When we stepped out of the van and unload our things, the children, polite as they are, began to greet us. With both hands clasped together, they bowed and said "Sawadi Kup" - which is a thai greeting. Without hesitation, they help us unload our things. It was funny to see them try and carry the bags as they were so much smaller than the bags.

The first night, after dinner we got to know the children and some of the youths from Romyan church back in Bangkok. We had a combine service which was just great. Well it was through that service where i saw children, despite their tender age and not so good background history, their hearts were devouted to God. Never did i see children worshiping God, singing their hearts out to him, wanting to know him more so desperately. This made me wonder...can we as young people (or people of any age), be that desperate for God? Putting aside everything, can we still go back to God as children who need their Father for strength and support?

As the service continued, i have to admit that the worship session we had was amazing. While we were singing in english, the children were singing in thai. It was so melodious...sounds like angels singing in heaven. Now that is something new. It was great worship...despite the language barrier, we were still able to sing and worship the same God. This just goes to show that putting aside our differences (culture, language, dinomination), we still worship and serve the same God.

To end, let me encourage you all with this verse:

Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

God bless.

Mission Trip Experience (Part 2: Before)

Before the trip began, I was confused...on one hand i was very excited...on the other i felt unprepared and didn't feel like going for the trip. Having only a week to settle back into Singapore's lifestyle was difficult for me. Further more, i had to try and reconnect myself with my friends in DR.

It was tough and i felt that maybe i was not needed in this mission trip. Before i left for Australia, i would be part of a performance or be in-charge of something in mission trips. However this year was different. Due to certain circumstances, i was less involve in the preparation of the mission trip. Therefore, i did not know what was expected of me in this mission trip...what my own expectations were for this mission trip.

When the trip started, i was still pretty confused...didn't feel like i belong (being away from DR for so long has caused me to be a bit detached from the group). Worse still was the fact that i didn't feel that God was close to me anymore...because i haven't been spending as much time as i should with him in preparation for the trip. It was only on the second day, on my trip from Chiang Rai airport to House of Grace (the orphange home where we stayed for approximately 4 days) that i spent quality time with God.

After having a good conversation with someone i started asking God what He wanted me to do during this mission this mission trip could or would affect the decisions i make in the future (i have to add that during this trip, i've learnt that i do think a lot). Well...although there were no direct answers from God, it was time well spent as during that time God was my main focus.

From that experience, i've learnt that maybe the nitty gritty details of life does not really matter when you place God number one in your life. Another lesson is that when you are unsure of what you should do or whether what you are doing is according to God's plan, just remember this WWJD - What Would Jesus Do. With that let me end by reminding you of this verse...

Matthew 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Remember, Jesus loves you and I love you too. God bless.

Mission Trip Experiences: (Part 1)

Hi everyone, welcome back again...just so to let you knkow, i am part of a dynamic youth group which is called Dunmais Rock (DR). Now this youth group been my second home since i was 13. And now at the age of 18, despite moving in and out of Singapore, i still consider this youth group as my second home because of the many life lessons and wonderful memories i keep and hold.

Well...this includes the recent mission trip our youth group was involved in. Every year since 2000, DR has always been going for mission trips. For those of you who may not know what is it...well a mission trip is a trip that a group of people take. The aim of this mission trip is to be a blessing to others and show God's love to those who may not know of it. For the past 4 years, DR has been to different parts of Malaysia for their mission trip.

However, this year was different. Instead of going to Malaysia, we decided to go to somewwhere a bit further - Thailand. About 30 of us had the oppurtunity to visit Chiang Rai and Bangkok, meet new people, experience new cultures and learnt great lessons that has definitely caused us to grow and mature.

For those of you who know what I'm talking about, feel free to write your thoughts and what you've learnt and how you've as to encourage others. For those of you who may have gone on mission trips and have experienced a few things, do share with us these experiences so that all of us who are new to mission trips may learn and serve God more effectively. And for those of you who do not have a clue as to what everything has been continue to read any comments that are posted here as i pray that they will be a blessing to you.

Oh well, i thikn i've said signing off remember...God loves you, i love you.


Welcome to my blog - My thoughts, His Thoughts, Your Thoughts. This may sound a bit too religious or churchy but I am dedicating this blog to whoever is interested or keen in growing in the Lord.

Nowadays, many people, young and old, are not given the opportunity to share their deep thoughts on matters of the heart which are close to God's own heart. People rarely share their personal struggles as they try to have an intimate relationship with God or as they try to find purpose and meaning in life.

In this place, I will try my best to be transparent and open as a Christian who wants to grow in the Lord. I will share my thoughts about life and the struggles I may face. I hope that this will be a place for you to also be honest and transparent as you read and maybe share some of your thoughts. If you have any questions about certain things regarding whatever aspect in your life that you may be struggling with, feel free to share and all of us can help.

Hopefully we can built each other up as we are all one in the Lord. I pray that you will be blessed, encouraged and challenged as you lead a life of obedience. Take care and God bless.