princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

25 March 2006


It's been a while since my last entry. Well this time round it something you guys might want to remember. Hehehe....*cheeky smilez*

Many times girls get so caught up with expectations of the world. Tough world out there! Girls hear the messages: You are not enough, and You are too much. You're too messy, too emotional, too fat, too thin, too vain, too confident. So much has been said that we get confuse and loose the real essence of being all the God wants us to be and forget the true desires of our hearts.

Read a book entitled "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul ". An awesome book not only for girls but for guys too. I mean....if you want to know the true desires of a women, this is the book to read. So yeah, i would recommend it to anyone. Anyway, Stasi Eldredge talked about the heart of a women. In summary she said that the heart of a woman is the place where we are most truly ourselves. The heart of a woman is about a woman's desires.
and she added that the way to understand what you desire is to ask: What makes me come alive as a woman? What do I enjoy? What am I naturally drawn to?

Having read the book and done a bit or reflection...there are three main desires of every women:
First, women desire romance; they want to be pursued. Second, women desire to play an irreplaceable role in a heroic adventure. We don't just want to be an appendage; we weren't made for that. And the third desire is to be the beauty in a story, the heroine. Sounds really lame but its probably true. Women desire to be beautiful on the outside and also have depth in their souls. We want to have a deepness all our own to offer. Yet so often we bury these desires, or we're so badly wounded that we don't want to go there. We are afraid to face reality that such desires are just airy fairy and were never meant to be fulfilled. Every woman has been wounded, whether it was a huge devastating blow or millions of little insults to her heart. We are definitely not living in a world that says, "You're fabulous. You have so much to offer." We carry wounds in our hearts. We believe lies about ourselves. And we also know that we are not all we were meant to be.

That is probably why when it comes to relationships, women tend to be frightened. The truth is that we are relational to our core. Relationships matter to us; we are fiercely loyal. But most women are lonely; we think we're doing something wrong. We have a huge longing for relationship. And part of our makeup is to bring forth life. We don't just do it through birthing children. We do it in relationships when we come alongside and help others to grow. But remember that we also know betrayal. It takes an immense risk to be vulnerable in a relationship. So yeah...

As a little girl, I wanted to know if was beautiful! And as i become older, I still want to know if i am beautiful. To end i'll leave you with this statement "Beauty is a matter of the soul. A woman of true beauty is one who's at rest with who she is and is not striving to become someone else ". SO to all the girls out that.....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS and SIGNIFICANTLY SPECIAL. Let's not hide in the shadows of what the world wants us to be but be brave to step out and be the crowning glory of God. Live life extravagantly. To all the guys out there, be patient with us, learn to see from our perspective as we try to see life from your perspective. Treat us with the utmost respect, as if we were your sister. Then the world will be a happier place. HEhehe *smilez*

God bless,

18 March 2006


Hey all you beautiful gals who think that your life means nothing, here is a song for you. I pray that as you read the lyrics of this song, may you realise how God sees the beauty in you and realise how special you are to Him. And to all the guys out there reading this, make any girl you see feel special for once.

Sometimes I don't know why I am here; Looking at,
All the girls across the room it seems so clear that,
I am not the perfect one in all of my years.
Can't stand the way I am Lord can You hear?
Can't you see O lord the heartache in me?
Why aren't you doing something, anything?
All I want is someone to love me just the way I am.
Is that so hard to see, Lord please tell me!
And He said,
My girl, My girl,
Wonderful just as you are.
I want to let you know,
The reason that you are,
Created for beauty,
For all the world to see,
That you are, that you are
In Me
So quietly you came and told me this,
All for love You gave Your son, took all of my sin.
What could I have ever done to deserve a gift like this?
This love is true love true love from the King.
This love is true love true love from the King.
I see that broken heart,
I count the tears you cry,
My heart aches for you.
Wouldn't you draw close to Me,
Take up My cross and stand,
My love will see you through,
My precious one I love you.

15 March 2006


I wonder if you feel the same way i do about this generation that will one day rise up and be bold enough to stand up for the truth. This is my prayer, "Dear Lord, that Your will be done on earth!" Cause I do believe that we will be able to see that day come to pass. Do you believe?

This generation will come to you
They will bow their knees and worship You
Lifting up holy hands on high

This generation will seek your face
They will reach for you, till they see Your grace
Fall down from heaven into the lands of the earth

They will make a joyful noise,
Singing great and mighty is Your name.
Shout your fame be lifted high,
We believe, we believe.

They will pray to You always,
That Your will be done on earth, O Lord.
Let Your name be glorified,
We believe, we believe.

Cause You are alive,
Cause You are alive,
And You live in me, You live in me
We believe

14 March 2006


So I just watched "Dirty Dancing - Harvana Night"...and it is one of the best movie i've watched. I mean the love story was alright but what was even better was the dancing in the film. The full of passion. Its way better then "Dirty Dancing 1" After watching the movie, i am seriously considering of taking Salsa classes. if you needed to know that! Oops!!

Why am i talking about this movie anyway?? Hmmm......but yeah, if you like dancing and a bit of romance, go watch it.

Oh yes, just a thought to consider...maybe i've got too much free time but what if we, as christians, did some form of dirty dancing?? Is it right or wrong? I personally think that its an art, dirty dancing. But isn't it also a grey area of having fun?? Hmmm....Oh well, just a thought.

09 March 2006


Man is my schedule so damn busy. Really tired right now. But still want to just write this little thing that happened this afternoon which really made me think about what should we, as CHristians, do.

So i was at caulfield having my lunch and was about to go to my 2hr lecture when i felt a sudden aurge to "send a fax" (sorry...only those who were at cell wld probably know what i meant. For those of u who didn't go...its basically do a No.2 in the toilet). Anyway, when i went to the toilet there was this young high-school girl who seemed so lost. Lost in the toilet?? She had like white liquidity stuff flowing from her nose, and she just wasn't looking too good. She saw me and started asking me, "where is my spray? where is my spray?" Her spray? What spray? Her stuff was all over the toilet. Anyway, i spotted the spray can and told her that it was right in front of her. She took the spray can, said thank you like three times and then went inside the cubical. I was like....'okay!! What's up man!!' I casually asked if she was alright and she was like "yeah i'm good." So i left it as that.

But i kinda knew that something was not so right. But i was actually afraid of wrongly 'accusing' her for doing smthg not too right...(sniffing spray can gas?? Huh??) I actually hesitated a bit before i decided to go up to one of the security guard and told him about the situation. Apparently, she has been loitering around that area a few times before so this inccident wasn't foreign to that security gaurd. I hope she is alright. But she's so young though, how did she ver learn to do such a thing? Man.......what is happening to our youths these days??

So here is the situation. You see something like that happen. What are we, as Christians, to do? How should we react to situations like that? Am i thinking too much? Can there ever be a time where we become too involved in living a 'perfect' Christian life?? Hmmmm.....


07 March 2006


But i didn't do it on purpose. It was the cat not me!! Honest! What happen this morning has been bothering me the whole day. Call me a softy but the image of that poor cat kept poping up in my head.

So this morning i was a bit late to get to uni. Wearing all black (which could have been the reason), i was walking quickly towards Borg street. THen i saw this lovely cat that was seated at the porch, enjoying the morning due. Suddenly, when it spotted me, it got so scared. Without hesitation, it got out of its comfort zone and started to run away from me. THat look on its face!! Never seen an animal so scared before. I seriously wonder wat it saw in me?? Man.......that's a question i'll have to ask God one day.

Anyway, so it started running as if it had seen a ghost. Becoz it kept looking at me while running, it didn't see the fast moving car. Immediately, *CRASH*!


The cat collided with the back wheel of the car and remained paralysed. Oh my goodness...i was panicing inside. I didn't noe whether to help or just leave it on the road. It looked dead for a milisecond. And then it moved its head and as i walked closer to take a closer to look, it stared at me and had that "how dare you scare scary living creature!" or could it be a "Shit, i tink my front leg got busted, please lend a helping hand....u FREAK!" I didn't noe wat to do. THen it made this squill. I hope animals don't feel any pain. (wishful thinking CHeryl, you cat killer)

ANyway, it was 10sec later that i manage to see it to the side of the road. Man, this cat needs some kind of makeover man, i mean to its looked soft and yucks!! Don't wana describe it further. So there we go, the story of the gurl who scared the hell out of a cat.

Stupid Cat...i hope its alright. As i was walking back home, i tot to myself...i wonder whose cat is it? Maybe i shld buy some fruits and ask how their cat is doing. But then i concluded that if the cat died...fruits wldn't be enough to make them happy. So yeah!! Pls pray for the cat.

I love animals...i do!!

06 March 2006


Currently, i'm reading "Beautiful in God's Eyes: Treasures of the Proverbs 31 women" as part of my devoution. Just last nite i was reading the chapter which was talking about how girls, ladies and/or women should learn to focus on bringing beauty into their homes and places they are in. So this chapter about bring beauty didn't really mean much to me. It wasn't something that i wanted to really have a revelation on. Anyway, as i was reading that almost-irrelevant chapter, something in me told me to give a little sms to some of my xlr8 gurls. As i was msging them, i tot to myself: "Cheryl, how easily distracted can you be? You are not even halfway into the chapter and you are already feeling restless."

Having sent out a few msges, i continued reading the book. Then a call came. I answered it. It was Ruth Alur, one of my beautiful gorgeous xlr8 girls called. We started talking, asking each other if we were ready to start the week, the usual stuff. Then she decided to share with me something, which led the both of us into a nice, encouraging conversation. And as we were sharing about our passions, she made this comment, "Cheryl, you are so beautiful."

Wow!! I mean i knew i was always beautiful *hehehe.....* but for someone to say that to me, it was like are you sure you meant beautiful instead of something else?

Then we continued talking, ending the conversation with both of us praying a prayer of blessing upon each others' life and ministry. It was such a wonderful conversation. Although it may have been short, but it will be somehting that would remain in my head for a long time. To Ruth, if u r reading this, you are also beautiful. *smilez*

After that conversation, i continued on reading that chapter, and then it all made sense. That moment i saw the pieces come together of how i was reading the first 3 pages of a chapter that i didn't tink was important to me, and getting distracted in the middle, to realising that this chapter made so much sense.

-okay wait, am i making any sense atm?? gathering my thoughts, as i look at the clock. 15min b'4 my psy lab-

Alright...i guess wat i'm trying to say is that God has a special way of showing to us things that matter in life, regardless of what we may think. I thought that this chapter was a waste of time reading and he proved me wrong. It was no conincedence that i read 3pages of that chapter before getting 'distracted' and then finishing that chapter realising that I just brought beauty so-to-speak into someone's life. And it is through these little acts of showing care and concern that the beauty of God can be shown to others. I remember a Pastor sharing this important concept about blessing: "We are blessed to be a blessing".

I guess I'll end by reminding myself never to keep all the blessings for ourselves but share it. It is an input and output of blessing. So its now 11:55am and i've got to get ready for my psych lab. In the meantime, think about how you have been a blessing. And if you haven't been blessed lately, maybe its got something to do with, you keeping all the blessing till there is no more space for anymore blessing that God has for you.

God bless,

05 March 2006


I know, it has been close to 2weeks since i wrote anything. Well, wat's been happening? Its been a week since i got back to melbourne. Loving the weather i have to admit. Loving the busy life too. Now that i'm back in uni, i'm finally putting my brain into good use. *smilez* ITs great to be back in Melbourne. Seeing my friends from church and meeting up with others in uni (especially Diana). Not forgetting i have a new housemate staying with me too. So that's cool.

First week was a bit stressful for me. Well, it wasn't because of uni that i was stressed out really. It was because of the whole new Xlr8 (youth gp) cell that i will be leading this year. I kinda just came back from Singapore and trying to get myself organised and then people started calling me, reminding me that there was cell group this friday nite. There was so much said to me but i cld hardly do anything during the week because i didn't noe where to start and had no resources or guidelines to follow. That was what made is stressful. I was like "what do u expect me to do? I haven't even sat in on any xlr8 cell gp meeting before!! And isn't there like a cell discussion guide for the week, or am i suppose to come up with my own??"

So i was really lost the whole week, trying to settle down in uni and trying to call pple up to ask for help. I nearly lost it on thursday. Diana cld testify for me...*sorry diana for being a bit anti-social tt day during lunch n dinner* that it is all over, I was happy that everything went well that friday nite. My gurls are so cool. Funny though, i had to walk to my cell gurl's house for cell...coz i don't drive. How stupid actually, but i need the exercise though. Hehehe....

So that sums up the first week back in melbourne. Now i've got to get ready for soccer. So will write soon. God bless.
