princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

29 March 2007


Since uni started, I've been waking up at 5:30 in the morning, just to get to peninsular campus for my first lecture. Normally i would catch up on sleep while on the road, 2hrs of traveling that's all you want to do....sleep! But just today, for some reason i couldn't sleep. Instead i was thinking about what i'm doing with my life at the moment, not in a long-term futuristic sence, but what am i really doing with my life right now!

I have to admit that because of the full-on uni timetable, filled with work placements and tutorial assignments, and the weekly tournaments that i have to finally say no too :( becoz of the amount of work frmo uni, I really haven't had the time to go to lifegroups on a regular basis.

I wrote a post entitled "What kind of christian are you". Since then i still ask myself that question. I thought: if i was a pastor, would that make me more of a christian than if i was a professional athlete who believes in God? Similarly, because i don't get involve in church life as much as i use to, does that make me less of a christian? Maybe, because most of us judge others by how commited they are with church life, we tend to conclude that if one is not involved in ministry this means that they are less of a christian and are more likely to backslide. This could be very well true. I dunno.


09 March 2007


Sometimes, it's easy for us to think only those who have a gift of evangelism can talk to others about Christ. But that's a life Satan wants us to believe so he can render us ineffective. I've always had a cold spot for evangelism, just because it's hard work and we don't see the results immediately. But now evangelism is so prevalant in my life, i can't run away from it.

To encourage myself, i tell myself: wherever your two feet are planted, Cheryl, you are a ambassador for Christ, a missionary in your own special way. Being a missionary is not being a bible-basher. But it does mean living your life so others ask, "Hey, you're different. Why?" Whereever we go, whatever we do, people are watching us.

That's why i continually pray to God "Lord, love people through me." and remind myself that i am a testimony which will affect lives for eternity. And as much as i want to see all my friends around me come to know CHrist immediately, because its the best thing that can happen to anyone, I know that sometimes things like these don't happen immediately. Plant the seed and be patient. Keep watering the seed and in time, you'll be able to see it grow. And remember, no matter how hard people are to crack, if you involve God in the process, they will one day see.

Never give up on people, becuase God never gave up on you and will never give up on you. So for those who are in my position "JIA YOU!" (direct translation: add oil; indirect translation: don't give up). For those who are in the other position, don't close the door, give God a chance to show you what it means to love and be loved through others.
