Many times girls get so caught up with expectations of the world. Tough world out there! Girls hear the messages: You are not enough, and You are too much. You're too messy, too emotional, too fat, too thin, too vain, too confident. So much has been said that we get confuse and loose the real essence of being all the God wants us to be and forget the true desires of our hearts.
Read a book entitled "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul ". An awesome book not only for girls but for guys too. I mean....if you want to know the true desires of a women, this is the book to read. So yeah, i would recommend it to anyone. Anyway, Stasi Eldredge talked about the heart of a women. In summary she said that the heart of a woman is the place where we are most truly ourselves. The heart of a woman is about a woman's desires.
and she added that the way to understand what you desire is to ask: What makes me come alive as a woman? What do I enjoy? What am I naturally drawn to?
Having read the book and done a bit or reflection...there are three main desires of every women:
First, women desire romance; they want to be pursued. Second, women desire to play an irreplaceable role in a heroic adventure. We don't just want to be an appendage; we weren't made for that. And the third desire is to be the beauty in a story, the heroine. Sounds really lame but its probably true. Women desire to be beautiful on the outside and also have depth in their souls. We want to have a deepness all our own to offer. Yet so often we bury these desires, or we're so badly wounded that we don't want to go there. We are afraid to face reality that such desires are just airy fairy and were never meant to be fulfilled. Every woman has been wounded, whether it was a huge devastating blow or millions of little insults to her heart. We are definitely not living in a world that says, "You're fabulous. You have so much to offer." We carry wounds in our hearts. We believe lies about ourselves. And we also know that we are not all we were meant to be.
That is probably why when it comes to relationships, women tend to be frightened. The truth is that we are relational to our core. Relationships matter to us; we are fiercely loyal. But most women are lonely; we think we're doing something wrong. We have a huge longing for relationship. And part of our makeup is to bring forth life. We don't just do it through birthing children. We do it in relationships when we come alongside and help others to grow. But remember that we also know betrayal. It takes an immense risk to be vulnerable in a relationship. So yeah...
As a little girl, I wanted to know if was beautiful! And as i become older, I still want to know if i am beautiful. To end i'll leave you with this statement "Beauty is a matter of the soul. A woman of true beauty is one who's at rest with who she is and is not striving to become someone else ". SO to all the girls out that.....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS and SIGNIFICANTLY SPECIAL. Let's not hide in the shadows of what the world wants us to be but be brave to step out and be the crowning glory of God. Live life extravagantly. To all the guys out there, be patient with us, learn to see from our perspective as we try to see life from your perspective. Treat us with the utmost respect, as if we were your sister. Then the world will be a happier place. HEhehe *smilez*
God bless,