Okay i'm a bit confused at the moment...i know this is something guys generally don't like to read about but i'm still gonna just say it anyway. Hehehehe....So here is the situation: i was in church today and errmmm....was participating in the worship session, although not as enthusiastic as usual becoz of the current busyness life entails. But anyway, everything was going fine and when it was time to hear the word...by Bishop Joseph Garlington...i was like, "cool some guy with an american accent, something different (although it would be even cooler if we could one day hear some hong kong pastor preach wif his honkie accent)".
Anyway, that's besides the point. Just before he told us to turn to the bible, like what preachers normally do before preaching....he start singing "Agnus Dei" and the congregation immediately responded to that. People were raising their voices and hands and immediately you could really sense that God was already there. It was real. Then suddenly i started crying. Why? I have no idea. Then he started singing this phrase "Amen, Amen means i've got it" and then he stopped and started talking about how God did the impossible becoz he (Garlington) took it to the Lord.
In a nutshell, one day his wife realize that they had no grocceries for the day and had no money to buy any. And He kinda laugh it out saying "Bless the Lord, Amen!" Then he told his wife to write down a list of items they needed. While his wife did that, he was desperately praying in the spirit. Next two ladies were outside his house holding groccery bags filled wif wateva that was written in that list.
So, normally i would take a while before something that was just said sinks in. But as i was hearing his testimony...i started crying again. And i was like "woah Cheryl, wassup wassup! Why are you being so emotional all of a sudden? PMS or what?" *hahahaha.....* as if i had enough crying moments in less than 1hr into the service...i began to cry again when he started singing this phrase "What's in my list is in the bag". Funny huh!!
I wasn't in one of those moods where everything is all going wrong and i'm feeling so depressed. I would like to think i'm doing fine at this moment, besides the fact that i'm experiencing exam stress that may be a bit overwhelming at times. Other than that, i think i'm doing fine. So i came home and i actually reflected on what happened in those few moments when i got so emotional over those small little things. And until now i still can't explain what just happened. Two possible explanation:
(1) PMS....hahaha..highly unlikely coz its not that time in the month for me yet. And errmm...i am usually pretty stable emotionally whether i have PMS or not. So yeah!
(2) I had an encounter with God during those little moments when Garlington was singing those simple words and when he shared his simple testimony. That was powerful. That was a moment i wished i could go back again.
I guess wat i want to drive at is that it is so awesome being in God's presence. How i wish i could just pause time and really stay in His presence forever. How can anyone not want to encounter God? Oh well...
Got something that you guys might wana check out:
http://weareallprincesses.blogspot.com. Just something about getting off that lazy bum of yours and doing something different in respond to what God wants to bring to this generation. Have a good one!