princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

25 January 2007


When it seems like I'm just beginning to open myself up to the unkown, of what it means to love and be loved...people have to prove me right: to love is a dangerous game. Is it really, just a game? Well, here is a thought for those who have proven me right:

Why do we love?
It's reassuring yet scary
to think that we're ready to do everything
to think that we're ready to give everything for love/
I will allow myself to get hurt,
because i know that i can fight back.
I will allow myself to hold on to pain,
so that when the time comes, i will know how to let it go.
Isn't that the point?
To live and know that you've loved
To live and know that you've been loved
I hope you'll find someone who would give you
the strength to believe in love.
Even if you have no assurance that
your story will end with "i love you"

11 January 2007


All of us go through life from one threshold to another. And at those thresholds, most of us stand on very tentative lefs, wanting to take a step forward, but yet we're hesitant, unsure. We go from one threshold with something pulling us forward and something pulling us back.

We wonder what lies ahead? What we may be missing out in the future if we actually took a step forward into a particular direction? And what has to be left behind ingetting there?

Maybe we think too much. Maybe we should just take a risk sometimes and see where it might take us. Afterall there are never right or wrong decisions. There are only decisions that we ourselves can make right even if it may seem bad at first.


10 January 2007


"The problem is not entirely in finding the room of one's own, the time alone, difficult and necessary as that is. The problem is more how to still the soul in the midst of its activities."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The pursuit of self is what most of us have been trying to do all our lives, trying to figure out what are we here for and the reason for our existence. We've tried walking down various roads, but regardless how invigorating the walk, it doesn't lead beyond the neighbourhood of who we are. And honestly, most of us have grown a little tired of the neighborhood and all the back-and-forth trips we've taken. Somehow we long for something more than a routine walk around the religious block.

I, for one, long for the companionship of God. I long for the assurance that I am not taking this journey alone. That He is walking with me and talking with me and intimately involved in my life.

In a book i've been reading, it describes moments of such intimacy as: moments when God has touched our lives like a soft hand of morning sun reaching through our bedroom window, brushing over our eyes, and waking us to something eternal.

At the end of the day, it is at some of these windows of opportunities, what we see offers simply a moment of insight, making us slower to judge and quicker to show understanding. Maybe its time for us to set aside time, just to live life a little slower and learn to appreciate and embrace what we have right now. Take time to smell the flowers as you walk down the streets of your neighborhood in pursuit for self. You might actualy learn something.
