What a great opportunity the eight of us had...to be able to go to Khon Kean...the fourth largest city in thailand....to be able to minister to the 36 kids who unfortunately are HIV positive.
The time spent at that home really made me see how God plays a role in the lives of these young innocent kids who probably are still too young to know what's right from wrong.
I had already spent a day and a half with the kids...playin wif them...screaming wif them and watching tv wif them...and it was one of those moments where there was no extra distraction and u start asking yourself those "WHY" questions: why do these kids have to suffer from this disease..when they are so innocent and pure?
I asked myself that question and voiced it out to Helen, an australian lady full of compassion, who was part of the mercy foundation who helped these orphans. And she said this....
Even though thhese kids have this unfortunate disease...when they didn't deserve it...the fact that there are in this home...still breathing...its a miracle in itself. She continued telling me that many of these kids were probably 2 or 3years of age found abandoned or left beside their dead parents on the streets. Many, becoz of the disease, were very very sick and mulnorished. She also added that most of these kids were specially brought in..noone actually goes out there to hunt for kids. So in that sense...these children were actually God sent to be taken cared of.
There was tis kid called CAPTAIN...he was 5 years old when he was brought into the home by Helen. Everyone was shocked that she brought him in becoz of his condition. When he was brought in...he weighed only 9kg. That is probably the weight of his bones. He was very very sick and mulnorished. But still Helen said that he would be alright. And true enough...i saw him, now 11years old and he is one of the big brothers in the home...leading his younger brothers. What a leader he has become.
There are other amazing stories of these kids who could easily have died in an instant becoz of their low immune system...but yet...God sent pple to take care of them and give them a chance to live. Helen was saying that before, kids had no motivation to live as long as into their early teens. Most of them would die by a tender age of 9years old. But becoz of God's love...teams from ard the world coming to visit them each month...and heaps of prayer from the staff...they are seeing a change in the lifespan of these kids. Many are now entering their early teens becoz they've got something to look forward to each day.
God's love was really in that house. They would have morning and afternoon devoution each day...singing praises to God...and recieving lots of love from the staff. My prayer is that they will continue to live life to the fullest and that another miracle from God would cure them from this disease.
Just two days before we left...there was a praise story that two girls who were diagnosed as HIV positive...now at the age of 3 and 5, have been diagnosed as HIV negative....tt's a miralce...PRAISE GOD...
Matthew 19:26" Jesus lloked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'."Cheryl