So before this conference, life has been really shaky for me. The busyness of life robbing my time from God. And my spiritual tank is running on a dry low. I desperately need something to reignite that passion in me. But i was just to focus with work. I was feeling guilty and ashame at coming into the presence of God, fearing that he might not love me - which i knew was all just devil's talk. But somehow i found it to be true. Well, isn't that how the world will see it anyway?
So the week leading up to the conference, i didn't register and really was not wanting to attend another conference that would just remind me of my lack of committment to this relationship i had with God. It's like saying, why would you want to meet your boyfriend, when you know that he knows that you've been replacing him with something or someone else. That's the kind of feeling i was having. But non-coincedentally, my housemate (who is away) bought a ticket and i have it. So i told God, "this is it God, it's now or never.....either i continue to feel 'shittyy' or you prove me wrong by doing something significant in my life". And God who is a God that never fails was about to bring about some change in me.
Days leading up to the conference, i was just psyching myself up, somehow having this positive sense that God was going to keep his word with me. In his word it says " if you seek me with all your heart, I [GOD] will find you". And he did. Friday came, and Nicole (speaker) spoke directly into my heart and into my situation. It was then i knew that I had been forgiven for my past behavior and God was willing to take me back. That has to be the greatest gift, leading up to my birthday. Heheheee.......to know and be reassured that no matter what i did in the past, GOd is willing to take me back into his loving arms, and just accept me for who i am, broken and hurt.
Thank you God,