See this...its the latest United Live CD/DVD - United We Stand. Awesome stuff i tell you. I'm actually listening to it right now...in uni. Hahaha!!
I had the opportunity to see the DVD. I went to the documentary section and listened to those involved in Hillsong United. People like Joel, Marty, Phil etc....were just sharing about how they started out with nothing, but by God's great encounter during one summer camp, history was made.
Its been a long time since i heard such inspirational stuff from young people who share the same passion as i do. Honestly, my heart is just dieing to go out there and meet people who share the passion of young people and music. Andy, Chin, Pastor Simon, Aunty Anna...i miss the long conversations we have just talking and sharing about how we can better improve our youth ministry and the worship team. I miss the late nites where we have our leaders meetings @ Pastor's house. Remember the time where we were talking about the outfits for dr@stix...adding a Star Wars theme to the whole production. Hahaha....so fun. Miss those times.
Do apologise for those of you who have no clue withwhat i'm talking.
Anyway, after watching that documentary of how Hillsong United evolve into a group of young musicians passionate about bringing a new song to Him, I just feel like taking a plane back to Singapore and accepting the job. *So Pastor...is the job still available for me?? Hehehe....*
Just an encouragement to all my DRians....specifically to the worship team....Hillsong United did not start out very great. They had their moments of having people who were tone-deaf to lead worship once a month. Hahaha....*remember those times - Jannen....hehehe* ANyway, they were pretty ordinary too. You should seriously see the DVD. At the end of the day, it was the real desperate cry from those involve in the ministry that really brought them to where they are toady. I believe that our youth ministry is talented. The question is how much do we desire to see God moving in our youth group. It's possible guys!!
At the moment, my heart is just yearning to see what God has install for me and for the minsitry that I am apart of...be it CityLife (RIOT YOUTH) or Moriah (DUNAMIS ROCK). These are exciting times. We need to really pick up our game, be who God has called us to be, a generation of history makers, and start DREAMING BIG for HIS CAUSE.
God bless,
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