princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

27 October 2005

Fulfilling His Purpose...with or without you...its that Simple!

Last nite was the last Young Adult's Encounter nite for 2005. How great was God last nite. I tot it was an awesome nite...not becoz i was finally part of the worship team...but becoz I've never heard Clayton speak so passionately about us BEING THE CHURCH! Clayton's message really made me think hard about a few questions:

(1) Why am i doing what i'm doing?
Currently, i'm studying...Arts Degree (majoring in psychology and management)., why? Well...becoz i am interested in those fields of study. Becoz i know my parents are happy that i'm making use of the time i have. Becoz i know this will help me get a good career in the future. Becoz i know this cld be a fall-back plan if for some reason i am not able to do what i'm passionate about...and that is to wor full-time for God.

I'm also a leader in the church...for which ministry..who long as i'm serving God its all good. Hehe!! Why lead? Well...i know that one of my desires is to be around God's people...and be an influence to them to live a better life for God. I want to see lives change becoz of a better undesrstanding and revelation of God. I want to be someone that God uses to bring heaven down to earth. I want to people around me to experience God when they have a conversation with me, when they hear me sing, when they hear my testimonies, when they see me act and behave. I want them to say..."that is so what God would do". How cool is that if every Christian were to have that desire...the world would then be a better place to live in. Hehe!!

(2) Are you grabbing every opportunity God has given to you?
Hmmm....i dun noe? Tough question this one...becoz sometimes, i'm not sure if i actually recognise something as an opporuntity from God? My definition is this: An opporunitity is something that allows me to use whatever i've got (gifts, talents, abilities) to contribute to the Kingdom of God and have a chance to glorify God.

So i guess...still guessing...hehe! I dunnoe. I am learning. Its hard becoz self-doubt and inadequacy comes into play. Often you look ard you and see people better than you and you question: how can God use me to do this...he/she is so much better than me? There will be people better than you. You will never be the best at everything. I guess, its not the end product that God is looking is the attitude...the willingness of heart that God sees. I keep reminding myself that.

Clayton was saying about how if we do not grab the opportunities that God has placed in our hands, he will just find someone else who would. I think we need to start BEING THE CHURCH.. many times people complain about how some things are not what they expect in the church and therefore they stop being involve with it...well if that's the case, then instead of complaining BE THE CHURCH...and start changing what you dislike about it.

Clayton also mentioned about how we should not only appreciate and respect what we the previous church has done so that we may be where we are today...but more importantly...we should BUILD ON what we more desperate for God, expecting more that God has to offer to his people...claim more promises...see more miracles happen in the church. We are here for a reason..let's be all that God wants us to be and bring heaven down to earth! What do you think...


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