As for Soccer...since the soccerooz got booted out on tuesday i am thinking of cheering on for Germany. And what an exciting match it was between Germany and Argentina, pushing the match to a penalty shoot-out and the Germans were flawless with their penalties. Cool stuff! So i say Go Germany!!

And this is for the die-hard socceroo is a little treat for you. Really like these pictures. Heehee...well that is what one does when she is on a holiday and has heaps of time to look through the few hundred photos...and choose the best 3.
How cute is can't believe he is married. But he looks soooooo young!
And this is a bitter-sweet picture of the soccerooz thanking the fans. Oh my gosh, that wave from Aloisi was to me.....he is such a legend.
Lastly, a great picture of euphoria from the man of the match, Neil..despite giving Italy the pentalty kick. Neil, your a champion dude!
You are so going to have to upgrade your lemon lime and bitter the next time we see u man. Anyway...Germany all the way. And as 4 tt hairy guy....yeah, not my type either.
Catch ya laters! mix wif is as far as i go man. Hate alochol.
And as for tt hairy guy ...ermm *double bluake* haahaaa....
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