Seaching for the LIFE we've only dreamed of...if only...
Just had a great weekend, being deeply impacted and blessed by John Bevere's messages. In sum, his messages were all about living the God-intended life for every christian - to have a passionate and intimate relationship with our FIRST LOVE. After listening to him, he really made me think about so many things...everything about what it means to be a christian. And i came up with this:
There is a secret set within each of our hearts. This secert remains hidden for the most part of our deepest selves. It is the desire for life as it was meant to be. Somehow, it seems to come and go. But again and again ti returns to us, this yearning that cries out for the life we prize. And though it seems to taunt us, and may at times cause us great pain, we know when it returns that is is priceless. For if we could recover this desire, unearth it from beneath all other distractions (life's business), and embrace it as our deepest treasure, we would discover the secret of our existence.
Unfortunately, the greatest tragedy anyone could experience is to give up the search, the life. Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart. John Eldredge wrote "to lose heart is to lose everything....if we were to bring our hearts along in our life's journey, we simply must not, we cannot, abandon this desire".
Come to think of it, there are moments in life where we wished time stand still. Something in your heart says, Finally - it has come. This is what I was made for. Those are the desires of my heart.
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