princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

08 November 2006


In life, we are faced with many life-changing moments where decisions have to be made in order for us to move forward. At times, the answers are obvious and straightforward. Other times, things are just not that easy. Such situtaions becomes more evident especially when we are at a crossroad of our lives and force to make a milestone-decision that could possibly make or break our future: should i continue studying or find a job? Or the typical question: is he/she the one for me? The common thing to do then is to try and analyze the situation, weight the pros and cons, and then decide on an appropriate outcome. But there are times when logic isn't enough.

Have you ever been faced with a delima where one moment your head tells you to do this, and the next moment your heart tells you to do otherwise? Which do you listen to? The objective or subjective part of you?

In movies you constantly hear people say, "what does your heart tells you?" My question to you is: how often do you allow yourself to listen to your heart and eventually follow it? Is it right to follow your heart or is it wrong because of its subjectivity?

Recently i came across this quote: "Jesus the King came to fight for your heart. If He has won your heart, then to follow your heart will always lead you to follow the heart of God."

After reading that quote, i ask myself the same question i asked you. Why shouldn't i not follow my heart? Afterall, God has won my heart and He is in it to stay for the long why worry? I don't know, call my naive but maybe we ought to give ourselves some credit and trust ourselves a bit more when it comes to listening to our hearts and follow what it says. Psalm37: 4 says "delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart".

God bless,


Blogger Dead Poet said...

life isnt like the movies. you must grasp the situation in which each and everyone of us grew up in a realist society, we have been taught to think and not feel, its evident in our education system.

going to school in singapore is never about learning, but more of obeying rules and getting the acquired results.

thus its extremely difficult for one to become a romanticist without severe consequences, especially in a realist society. god has nothing to do with the choices you make, simply because, if there is one, he already knows what you're going to choose. god doesnt play dice with men.

November 09, 2006 5:46 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

i disagree with dead poet, of course.. but this isnt a theological discussion anyway, so we'll save that to another day..

i think its a very good thing to follow your heart, but at the same time you cant blindly allow your heart to influence all your decisions. anyway we've had this conversation many times going to uni this semester, haha. go with what God tells you to do, cheryl song - no matter how hard it may seem.

November 13, 2006 1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Cheryl,

I have to say naturally, I'm a person who finds it very hard to follow my heart. Most of the time it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever especially when the head seems to make things to clear, and relationships is the matter.

But I do feel like it's a season of change and let the heart rule for a little while. What's the worst outcome after all? You can't live life with all these "what ifs". Wouldn't be so bad if at the end of the day we could say we gave it a shot. Better than not knowing.

There is a saying:

"The weight of rejection is in pounds, but the weight of regret is in tonnes."

Dunno how true that is, but I'd rather find out than not know.

November 13, 2006 7:14 PM  
Blogger Dead Poet said...

im not saying that it cant be done tim, all im saying is that the way that its been said is too easy. to follow one's heart is to bear the consequences of everything that comes after that. theres always a cause and effect, and the penalty of following one's heart is far greater than thinking with your head, but of course, it has its rewards.

November 18, 2006 7:53 AM  

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