SPecial thanks to the 4 gals in my dorm: Jennifer, Kylie, Melissa and CHarmain (aka ah-sum). You gals have been so supportive and entertaining. The quotes that we came up wif were so original and funny as........will neva forget it. Man, those quotes, especially the one about Kylie not knowing Jen from a bar of soap rather than a box of condoms. Haahaahaaa....So Thanks once again!! You gals are an awesome bunch. We need to hangout more.

As for the guys....
A big thank you to Uncle Yohan and Coach Adhi for driving the team ard. Coach Adhi and Andy for helping us with our games.
A big thank you to Salyia (by day), Serena Williams (on court) and Selina (by night) for entertaining the team wif dodgy eye-movements at the dinner table and coming up wif random names for me. Man u need to get your head checked out big time dude!!
To Nicky Wong for carrying our jackets while the gals had fun @ TONIC (we'll neva forget your Barboon Ass.....hehehehe...Baboon eyes i mean.)
To Tin for being there for the girls when we loose or win, telling us that we've tried our best. Hopefully u step up to the plate next yr as manager dude!
Lastly, a big THANK YOU to Brian, manager. Tough week for you. Did a good job. You've set a stnd for the future manager to live up to mate.
So THank You and hope to see you guys in GOld Coast 07.
hey dude,
glad u had fun. i had an awesome time (even with jen lol :P ) & cant wait 2 keep partying bak in melb.
thanks for the wonderful time! missing AUG sooooooooo much!
we all should go out more! heheh, after exams the monash n melb ppl all go out n have fun!
you gals should have came out on the last night!
lets bring on AUG 07! GOLD COAST HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!
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