princess of [RESOLVE]

Hi there. Wanna know what i'm thinking? Read on!!

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Well what to say? I guess I'm a person who has a rather strong personality but don't be suprise when i tell u that i'm most of the time an introvert. I like to have my own space and like to think a lot. Call me a Jesus freak if you want, but i'm proud to be God's princess. So wana know me better, read my blog or e-mail me. In the mean time, God bless.

30 November 2006


Now that my sisters are back in Singapore and most of my friends are back for the holidays, I'm all alone in Melbourne. Life seems to be pack with no activities, leaving me with lots of quality 'me-time'. A good thing? Probably. But we all know that too much of a good thing isn't that good too.

Seeing that I had time to spare, i chose to continue reading "The Barbarian Way" by Erwin. As i was reading the second chapter, something he wrote caught my attention. He introduced John the Baptise and how he was close to getting his head be-headed. John decided to inform Jesus. And instead of dropping everything he was doing at hand, Jesus said (in Matt 11:6) "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me".

In lay man terms it probably means, "John, i'm not coming through for you. I'm not getting you out of prison. I'm not sparing your life. Yes, i have done all these miraculous things and can easily save you from the mess that you are in. But i choose a different path for you, which is different from others. You'll be blessed, John, if this does not cause you to fall away." Then the verse that Dan mentioned during this month's youth leaders' meeting (James 1:2-3) "...when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow".

Personally, life may seem complicated and confusing. Decisions seem to be dependent on so many circumstances, which is making life even more difficult. In times like these, most of us would try and clothe ourselves with self-pity and continue to lead our miserable existence. Fortunately, after reading those two verses, I was really encouraged to see the good in everything that happens. After all, a close friend of mine said that life is too short and that we should learn to live every moment of it. I hope that as you have read this, you feel encouraged to pick yourself up and out of the current mess you are facing. I have to say though, it makes it so much easier for me, personally, knowing that there is some big guy up there watching over me and guiding me. If i make a wrong move, he would somehow rescue me.

Be blessed,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that. It's something worth carrying, evenmoreso where I am.

December 01, 2006 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. You don't know me and I don't exactly know you. But I just want to thank you for posting entries such as these that make a difference in peoples' lives. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am sure there are people like me whom you do not know you but have been encouraged by your entries. God bless.

December 02, 2006 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Cheryl.....where the heck have you been? Haven't seen you in ages. Hope everything is all right with you. Call me man to hang. TC.

December 02, 2006 2:03 PM  
Blogger nadia said...


just dropped by to say hi. =)

keep on going on yah!!!

God bless ya lots!


December 09, 2006 3:26 AM  

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